Decorative Painting

Here is my decorative painting gallery, hope you'll enjoy.
Please feel free to add comments or ask questions.

As i've already said in one post, i can't publish right away all the photos belonging to this category, because i'm not at home for the time being, so i've got to wait until i move in, (so you have too, sorry ...) to get all my stuff back. 
This should happen during Spring 2012, the earlier the better !

Then the gallery will be completed step by step. So, you can come and check when you want.

Click on the thumbnails to open a lightbox.
Thanks for passing by.

Copy from an original in art school


  1. Thanks so much Bei ! I'm really glad you enjoyed, see you.

  2. Lovely work. I love the art on your Illustrations page too, but could not find anywhere to comment.

  3. Thanks for your comment, Sue ! I'm checking the blog, hope to post more regularly again, and so respond to kind comments without delay ... Thanks for telling me about the problem on the illustration page too.


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